26 Agu 2014

A Beauty of Indonesian

At this time I will tell how overaw I am with the Creator whom create beautiful creature, particularly women. Every thing has its own soulmate, so have human being. Male-female are interacted each other’s [except sexual disorder].

male-female symbol

Indonesian are famous on their backwardness, poverty, illiterate, so on. A beauty of Indonesian answer about what people think of underestimate of Indonesia latterly.

Balinese Beauty by Basuki Abdullah

Based on my view point of a beauty, then I recommend you the criteria on it. Watch them out below:

A beauty woman for me is a clever, cheerful, unpretentious, and always establish worship dilligently =)

Inner Beauty is always better

Indonesia has some of those characters of which contained in these women, divided by two part [one for single and another part for married]:

1. Ayunda Faza Maudya

Maudy Ayunda

People wellknown her with Maudy ayunda, an Indonesia actress, singer, song writer, etcetera. Certainly she is one of multi-talent actresses of Indonesia. I do love to see her because of her personality and careers run well. She has spesific characteristic of Indonesian: beautiful, cute, smart, hospitable, and more. those are what I think of.

2. Sherina Munaf


Descent from wellborn, she grows up as succesful girl. As well as maudy, sherina starts her carrier as actress in Petualangan Sherina. The more grows she is the more accomplishments she has, many awards from many events she had achieved.

3. Aluna Sagita Gutawa

Gita Gutawa

Daughter of famous orchestrator of Indonesia, her talents rapidly developed. As two former above, she is the idol of boys. Despitefully she was bachelor from UK’s standfirst university.

1. Anindya Allysa Soebandono


Icha [nickname] is another woman whom fulfilling the criteria above. However she got married, but her enchanment is never been faded away. What a lucky man who has wife like her.

2. Annisa Larasati Pohan

Annisa Pohan

This daughter in law of President SBY is a ideal woman whom deserve to being hungered by men. Her maternity and feminist attract people to being more passionated as her man.

3. Diandra Paramita Sastrowardoyo

Dian Sastro

Film roled as Cintain AADC, Dian careers was rising up at that time. Nowadays although she is never perform at TV, she is still has loyal admirer.

Special personal:

1. Carissa Putri
Carissa Putri

This Indo-German woman attract me when she roled Maria Girgis, anti jamiilah wa dzakiyyah ya Carissa =)

2. Tara Adhisti D’thouars
Tara de Thouars

Work as Psycholog, her quiet character is being set me a mind at rest.

They are represent Indonesia, aren't they ?

p. s.
pictures are courtesy of google

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